We report the course Statistics of culture and cultural policies organized by National School of Administration.
The course aims to provide a basic set of skills useful for:
- measurement and analysis of supply and demand for cultural services;
- the planning, monitoring and evaluation of interventions in the field of cultural activities;
- the development of methods for measuring the cultural, social and economic impact of cultural services;
- methods and techniques for the dissemination and public communication of statistics on cultural policies;
- the use of empirical evidence for the planning of interventions in the cultural field on the basis of good practices.
The didactic setting foresees the alternation between theoretical lessons, testimonials, laboratory-type activities and case analysis.
Target audience
Executives and public officials, especially from the Ministry of Culture.
Enrolment and use
Registration for the course is open until March 14, 2022 on the SNA website at the page: https://paf.sna.gov.it/scheda_corso.html?cid=2551
The course consists of n. 5 lessons usable in mode e-learning, from 29 March to 12 April 2022.