National Day of Wine and Oil Culture 2022. Invitation to participate.

Publication date: 6/05/22

Last updated: 21/12/22

Giornata nazionale della cultura del vino e dell'olio

Saturday 7th May it will take place the National Day of Wine and Oil Culture (GNCVO) 2022. This year's theme: Renew the value of training to communicate the value of the territory.

The day was announced on April 11 during the signing of the three-year memorandum of understanding, which renews the collaboration already in place between the Ministry of Culture, The Ministry of Education, The Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies and theItalian Sommelier Association (AIS), for the GNCVO in the three-year period 2022-2024.

The purpose of the protocol is to promote and support a process of knowledge of the economic history of the territories and of the cultural traditions linked to wine and oil production as well as of the cultural heritage represented by it, through museum, historical-documentary itineraries and initiatives in places of cultureto with particular regard to first and second cycle schools.

The institutes and places of culture they participate with initiatives related to the theme of the Day, to its historical significance, linked to the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the territory and of the communities of reference, possibly feasible in collaboration with other territorial subjects.

All the initiatives proposed by the state museums will be published on the website of the Ministry of Culture on the page:

All events organized by AIS can be consulted on the page:



GNCVO 2022 press release

Circular no. 43/2022 DG-MU_DG-ERIC invitation to participate

Memorandum of Understanding GNCVO


Official materials for the communication and promotion of the Day

Locandina GNCVO 2022