On 3rd November, from 16.00 to 18.30, on Slash Radio Web the fourth appointment of the program will be broadcast 'Art Conversations', dedicated this year to the 'Mediterranean. Cultures, exchanges and shared imaginaries', to divulge the typical features of the Mediterranean civilization, a heritage shared by all the different cultural realities bordering the inland sea.
Creating in the Mediterranean: art, music and literature
The fourth stage of the cycle intends to stimulate the interest and imagination of the seeking listeners suggestions in art, music and literature.
In the first contribution, a Tours imaginative among the Mediterranean landscapes who most impressed painters and composers from the seventeenth to the early twentieth century, inspiring their works with atmospheres and suggestions, elaborated from time to time according to the individual sensitivity and aesthetics of the time.
Thereafter will follow a excursus through excerpts and fragments of some of the main ones masters of Italian literature of the twentieth century and with artistic and musical references dedicated to the Mediterranean.
For the column dedicated to accessible activities it will be presented Beyond the Marble, a narrative podcast on the Borghese archaeological collection, also designed for people with visual impairment. Thanks to the contribution of other guests, the theme of accessibility to the touch of some of the works described in the podcast will be addressed.
As usual, the 'SlashArt pills' will enrich the Art Conversations. The pill of this transmission will be entitled "The Vanvitellian mole: structure and functions of a monument on the water”.
Musical pieces inspired by the theme will accompany the audience on this cultural journey.
At the broadcast, conducted by Luisa Bartolucci and Chiara Gargioli of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired, will take part:
Mario Sanseverino, PhD in Historical Sciences and Trainee at the Center for Educational Services, Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, Service I Studies Office – MiC, Arianna De Simone, Art historian and pianist, Trainee at the Center for Educational Services, Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, Service I Studies Office – MiC; Marco Onofrio, writer, editor and literary critic; Alessia Varricchio, Annalisa Trasatti, Alessia Giannuzzi of the Homer State Tactile Museum of Ancona; Stefania Vannini, art historian officer and accessibility liaison of Borghese Gallery, Lucilla D'Antilio, professor and blind sculptor, Stefano Amici, sculptor; Elisabetta Borgia of the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, Service I Studies Office – MiC.
How to participate
To listen Slash Radio Web just type http://www.uiciechi.it/radio/radio.asp (for Mac users, the string will be:, or connect to Slashradioweb Facebook page.
Listeners will be able to choose different methods of intervention and participation: by telephone by contacting the numbers: 06-92092566 during the live broadcast, by sending e-mails, even in the days preceding the broadcast, to the address: direct@uiciechi.it or by filling out the appropriate Slashradio form.
The broadcasts that have been broadcast can be listened to:
- on the seat's website www.sed.beniculturali.it
- on the website of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired ONLUS-APS www.uiciechi.it/ArchivioMultimediale
- on the Slash Radio Web Facebook page
The program is curated by DG Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, Studies Office – Centre for Educational Services (SED) in collaboration with Slash Radio Web, the official radio of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired ONLUS-APS.