Final day for Museums in Corso II "Museums and accessibility"

Publication date: 17/01/23

Last updated: 6/02/23

Logo iniziativa formativa "Musei in corso" progetto di informazione e formazione per il Sistema Museale Nazionale

The final day of the training course Nothing for us without us. The museum professions and the challenge of accessibility is scheduled on 23 January 2023. The meeting is part of the training cycle Museum Courses II WORKSHOP | Experimenting, organized and promoted by School of Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation, Directorate General for Museums and Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes.

The day, centered on Ongoing projects and prospects for accessibility to cultural heritagewill be divided into three different interventions:

  • the guidelines of the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes
  • the experiences of the Emilia Romagna Region
  • the projects of the General Directorate of Museums

Target audience

The course is open to all interested parties. It should be noted that the release of the certificate of participation by the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes is reserved for personnel of the Ministry of Culture already registered and authorized on the course portal in the terms indicated in the DGERIC circular n.42/2022 and is guaranteed both in the case of participation in the presence and in streaming.

How to participate

More information on the training cycle on the page


Day program January 23, 2023

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