"Inclusive Museums": appointment for the series of meetings "An International Speech"

musei italiani- An International Speech

Description of the event

It will be held on 13 July 2023 at 4.30 pm at the Museo Nazionale Romano – Palazzo Massimo a new appointment in the series of meetings "An International Speech", dedicated to National Museum System, which will also involve the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes.

The meeting is organized by the General Directorate of Museums, in collaboration with the National Roman Museum the School Foundation of Cultural Heritage and Activities and with the support of Ales.

For the occasion, directors of important museum institutes and other Italian and foreign experts will present activities concerning the management, knowledge and promotion of museum institutes and will share their experiences in relation to the theme "Inclusive museums" .

Andrea Viliani, Director of the Museum of Civilisations
Lionel Pernet, Director of the Musée cantonal d'archéologie et d'histoire of Lausanne
Elisabetta Borgia, Official archaeologist of the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes
Institutional greetings by Stéphane Verger, Director of the Roman National Museum
Massimo Osanna, General Director of Museums introduces and coordinates the meeting

The meeting will be available in streaming on the platform fad .fondazionescuolapatrimonio.it, subject to free registration, by subscribing to the appointment in the Catalogue.



Press release