Deadline for enrolling in courses for MIC staff – September 2023

Publication date: 30/08/23

Last updated: 29/11/23

Promemoria iscrizioni ai corsi

We remind you of the deadlines for registration and for the authorization procedures for participation in the following courses reserved for Ministry of Culture personnel:

  • Tools for the National Museum System and cultural heritage digitization processes” – Bologna Edition. Registration deadline: 3 September , deadline for the authorization procedure: 7 September . More information available at dedicated page.
  • Gender equality. Measures to combat gender-based violence: female empowerment". Registration deadline: September 8th, authorization procedure deadline: September 13th. More information available at the dedicated page.
  • Introduction to euro planning“- Rome Edition. Registration deadline: September 13th, authorization procedure deadline: September 19th. More information available at dedicated page.

Enrollments must be received exclusively via the MiC course portal.