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Home » Events » Exhibition at the ICG: Regina Viarum. The Appian Way in graphics between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries
Exhibition at the ICG: Regina Viarum. The Appian Way in graphics between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries
20 settembre 2023 - 7 gennaio 2024: prorogata all'11 febbraio 2024
Central institute for graphic, Exhibition halls in Palazzo della Calcografia, via della Stamperia, 6 (Rome)
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Description of the event
Si inaugura il 19 settembre all‘Istituto centrale per la grafica – ICG the exhibition Regina Viarum. The Appian Way in graphics between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries, dedicata alla celebre strada consolare in occasione della sua candidatura alla Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’UNESCO proposta dal Ministero della Cultura lo scorso gennaio. La mostra sarà aperta to pubblico from the 20 settembre 2023 al 7 gennaio 2024 – prorogata all’11 febbraio 2024.
The exhibition, curated by Gabriella Bocconi, intends to celebrate the prototype of the entire Roman road system from Rome to Brindisi, and the numerous infrastructural, archaeological and architectural testimonies present along the his path.
On display are around 70 works, selected from the over 300 present in the Institute's collections dedicated to the ancient Regina Viarum, which tell the story through drawings, engravings, matrices, books and photographs the iconographic fortune of the Appia. It will be possible to observe the works of Giovan Battista Piranesi, Etienne Du Perac, Walter Crane, Umberto Prencipe, Luigi Rossini, Felice Giani, Nicolas Didier Boguet, Philipp Hackert. The exhibition, boasting works that cover a time span from the 16th to the 20th century, intends to show how the different languages of graphics have told the story of the Appia Antica and the territories connected to it.
The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue which will analyze iconographic, historical and technical aspects. In the section of the volume dedicated to poetry, the verses, mostly unpublished, composed for the 'Queen of the Roads' will be published.
Central institute for graphic, Exhibition halls in Palazzo della Calcografia, via della Stamperia, 6 (Rome)
Date and time
20 settembre 2023 - 7 gennaio 2024: prorogata all'11 febbraio 2024