“The landscape and the challenge of change. Educating in beauty” Italia Nostra national training course

Seminario 2024 Il paesaggio e la sfida del cambiamento di Italia Nostra

Description of the event

The Direzione generale Educazione, Research and Cultural Institutes participates in The landscape and the challenge of change. Educating for beauty, a national training course for EDU representatives and teachers, organized by the Heritage Education Sector of Italia Nostra which will take place on 12 and 13 April 2024 at the Library, Laboratorio delle idee, Falcone e Borsellino em> of Pescara.

Two main themes were addressed during the seminar days:

  • The landscape and the challenge of change. Educate about beauty
  • Know and communicate the heritage with the final presentation of the best practices implemented

The contribution of DGERIC,Cultural landscapes and community development. A sustainable interaction, focuses on cultural heritage as an engine of growth for local communities (12 April at 3.30 pm) and is organized by Service I, Ufficio studi , Centro per i servizi educativi – Sed.

The seminar confirms Italia Nostra's commitment to cultural heritage education aimed at training young people and adults in the field of landscape and its protection.
