Directories of Professionals – FAQs

Last updated: 3/03/23

Cultural Heritage Restorer FAQs

I restauratori già presenti nell’elenco con Nome, cognome e settori di competenza professionale, possono effettuare la registrazione sul portale dedicato tramite la voce di menu “Registrati” e selezionare i relativi consensi.

Dopo la registrazione sul portale dedicato, tramite la voce di menu “Accedi” è possibile accedere con il proprio CF e la password scelta in fase di registrazione per entrare in un’area personale. Cliccando sulla voce di menu “Iscrizione elenchi” è possibile visualizzare la propria iscrizione in elenco e selezionare una o più Regioni in cui l’attività professionale viene svolta.

Dopo la registrazione sul portale dedicato tramite la voce di menu “Registrati”, bisogna cliccare sulla voce di menu “Accedi” e inserire user (il proprio CF) e la password scelta in fase di registrazione per entrare in un’area personale. Cliccando sulla voce di menu “Iscrizione elenchi” è possibile scaricare l’attestato di iscrizione cliccando sull’icona stampante.
FAQs on national directories of physical anthropologists, archaeologists, archivists, librarians, demographic and ethnographic anthropologists, experts in diagnostics and science and technology applied to cultural heritage, and art historians.

L’iscrizione agli elenchi nazionali di questi sette profili professionali si effettua esclusivamente online mediante la piattaforma informatica all’indirizzo È necessario seguire le indicazioni dei bandi e dei requisiti contenuti negli allegati al DM n.244 del 20 maggio 2019 e le istruzioni per la compilazione.

No. Calls for applications to the national directories for physical anthropologists, archaeologists, archivists, librarians, demographic and ethnographic anthropologists, experts in diagnostics, and art historians are permanent. It is possible to register at any time.

Failure to register for the directories of physical anthropologists, archaeologists, archivists, librarians, demographic and ethnographic anthropologists, experts in diagnostics, and art historians does not prevent practicing these professions.

Yes. The Committee deliberates the co-option of the new member, then procures his/her membership and sends the minutes of the meeting with the resolution passed and the request for amendment to Service II of the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes, This will be followed by a ministerial decree to integrate the National Committee.

Yes, you can be included in more than one list if you have the requisites.

Yes, for inclusion in the directories of physical anthropologists, archaeologists, archivists, librarians, demographic and ethnographic anthropologists, experts in diagnostics, and art historians, the applicant self-certifies that he/she meets the requirements. If the applicant possesses certificates issued by the public administration, data to identify the documentation must be indicated. In the case of certificates issued by private institutions, copies of these may be requested by the verification committee.

Yes. Recognition of academic degrees is the responsibility of the university and, for doctoral degrees, the Ministry of Universities and Research; professional experience, on the other hand, must be certified and/or endorsed by the Public Entity or Research Institution.

The successful completion of the electronic procedure determines enrolment in the directory of physical anthropologists, archaeologists, archivists, librarians, demographic and ethnographic anthropologists, experts in diagnostics, and art historians subject to verification that requirements are fulfilled and the documents presented are complete and correct. This verification is the responsibility of a specially appointed commission, which may request further information or clarification to confirm or deny directory inclusion. If qualifications are not sufficient to be included in the requested level but qualify the applicant for a lower level in the same directory, the Committee will send a notification to the applicant concerned.

Listing in the directory of physical anthropologists, archaeologists, archivists, librarians, demographic and ethnographic anthropologists, experts in diagnostics, and art historians occurs on a one-time basis and does not need to be renewed.

If you possess the requirements indicated in the attachment to D.M n.244 dated 20 May 2019, you must input the correct combination of academic degrees and professional experience. Example: for Level I archaeologist, a possible combination could be: Master's degree in Archaeology + research doctorate or specialisation in Archaeology + 12 months of documented experience, even if those months are non-consecutive. If you mistakenly select the option "five years, including non-consecutive, of documented professional or research experience following public competitions or contracts in the field of archaeology," the system will not allow you to submit, because this is a transitional requirement, reserved for those in possession of this qualification on the date of publication of the call who do not have a PhD or specialization in Archaeology.

The publication date for the call for enrolment in national directories of physical anthropologists, archaeologists, archivists, librarians, demographic and ethnographic anthropologists, experts in diagnostics, and art historians is 12 September 2019. Transitional requirements, whether degrees or professional experience, must have been obtained by that date. Anyone who mistakenly selected transitional requirements and entered dates after 12 September 2019 must edit their application.

LAST UPDATED: 22 February 2021

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