Article 9 of the Constitution. Logo
Students will be protagonists to become more and more 'Active citizens for the landscape and the environment': this is the theme of the National Project and Competition Article 9 of the Constitution for the 2015-16 school year, which sees the Directorate General for Education and Research of the MiBACT promoter of the project, together with the General Directorate for school systems and for the evaluation of the national education system of the MiUR and the Benetton Foundation. The project proposes a path of reflection and research on the problems of current society and civil coexistence concerning the landscape, expressly referred to by the constitutional principle as an asset to be protected, and the environment, which with the landscape is often found in a relationship of interdependence.
The initiative pursues the following objectives:
- support the didactic planning of schools, in the context of "Citizenship and Constitution", through multidisciplinary training methods and workshops;
- promote active participation, the reworking of knowledge, learning and the development of skills through the development of personal initiative and planning skills;
- solicit research and investigation on the territory, with particular reference to the cultural, landscape and environmental heritage, and its resources;
- develop transversal and communicative skills through multimedia languages and technologies;
- favoring students' orientation and recognition of skills, aptitudes and interests, in relation to the changes taking place in society and in the environment;
- encourage the emergence of attitudes, behaviors, proposals and projects in favor of the defense of the landscape and environmental heritage of the territories to which they belong, of the country and of the world;
- provide cultural tools for reading and critical analysis of the landscape and the environment;
- to make known and propose examples of civic and cultural commitment in the protection and enhancement of the landscape and the environment, which constitute an educational stimulus for participation and responsible initiative.
Participation in the National Project and Competition Article 9 of the Constitution is free and open to Italian, Italian abroad, European, state and private secondary schools.
Details on the meeting list are available at the link http://www.sed.beniculturali.it/index.php?it/393/edizione-2015-2016