Academies of Higher Learning

Last updated: 28/03/23

Academies fall within the scope of the institutions of higher culture under Article 33 of the Constitution, according to which "Art and science are free and the teaching of them is free”; specifically, the same article 33 provides that “Institutions of higher culture […] have the right to give themselves autonomous arrangements within the limits set by the laws of the State”.

Academies include, by way of example:

The responsibilities of the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes

The Ministry of Culture, through the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes – Service II “Cultural Institutes”:

  • takes care of the preparation of grant disbursement procedures and subsequent administrative and accounting checks, inspections and audits of beneficiaries, pursuant to Law 17 October 1996, n. 534, and Law 28 December 1995, n. 549;
  • takes care of the preparation and issuance of opinions on obtaining legal status or on amendments to articles of association;
  • exerts control over some Academies belonging to the entities overseen or controlled by the Directorate: Crusca Academy and the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (overseen public entities), Academy of Sciences of Turin (controlled private-law entity).

Appointments, statutes, and regulations