Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism, 25-28 November 2021

Publication date: 16/11/21

Last updated: 21/12/22

logo XXIII Borsa mediterranea del turismo archeologico BMTA 2021

Also this year the Ministry of Culture participates in the BMTA Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism from 25 to 28 November in Paestum (Salerno) at the Cafasso tobacco factory. Great event dedicated to the archaeological heritage, a place for in-depth study and dissemination of themes dedicated to archeology and tourism; an opportunity for insiders, tour and cultural operators, travellers, enthusiasts, schools and universities to meet.

The Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes participates with a contribution by Service I "Study Office" - Center for Educational Services (Sed).

On November 25th 14.30 – 15.00 


The intervention is aimed at presenting, in quantitative and qualitative terms, the educational offer of the places of culture of the MiC, managed by the national network of educational services, coordinated by DG ERIC through the Centre, with particular attention to proposals for the valorisation in experiential and sustainable key to the archaeological heritage. The aim is to reflect on the role of heritage education in the transmission of the cultural heritage and on the relevance of methodological guidelines oriented not to the simple transmission of knowledge, but to forms of preventive protection and the involvement of communities for the development of new citizenship objectives.

Elisabetta Borgia, DG-ERIC archaeologist officer, Service I "Studies Office" - Seat
Marina Di Berardo and Susanna Occorsio, DG-ERIC art historian officials, Service I "Study Office" - Seat

Discover also all the other meetings organized by the MiC: Dating MiC 

The 37 Meetings of the Ministry of Culture - coordinated by the VI Service of the General Secretariat - will be broadcast live on the BMTA Facebook page @borsamediterraneaturismoarcheologico.

Visit the event website: