Waiting for “Minicifre della cultura. 2024 Edition″. How much italian families spend on culture

Publication date: 12/07/24

Last updated: 18/07/24

Thanks to Minicifre della cultura, since 2023, is available a unique and reliable space for consulting the main statistical data on culture in Italy.

The General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the  Ministry of Culture and the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities have in fact launched a systematic collection of data and quantitative information on the italian culture that present its trends and transformations, with the aim of giving continuous restitution, on an annual basis, through a paper publication and a website.

After Minicifre della cultura. 2023 edition – dedicated to the analysis of the five-year period 2018-2022 – Minicifre della cultura. 2024 edition will be available in the autumn, presenting the surveys for the three-year period 2021-2023. While waiting for the results of the new research, we publish monthly previews of unpublished data that offer a look at the cultural sector in Italy.

How much italian families spend on culture 

What is the monthly average spending of an Italian family on culture?

According to the survey conducted by Istat on household spending, the latter spent an average of about  32 euros per month on cultural goods and services in 2022. This is an amount equal to  just under a fifth (19%) of the total allocated monthly by Italian families to  leisure, sport and information.

In particular, families residing in the regions of Central Italy spend the most on culture (37.19 euros per month on average), followed closely by those located in the North West (37.09 euros) and in the North East (36.55 euros). Conversely, in the South, there are smaller amounts, with an average expenditure on cultural goods and services of 21.58 euros in the Islands and 19.55 euros in the southern regions.

Which are the cultural services that represent the largest share of spending? 

In first place are books, newspapers and magazines, for which families spent an average of 13.76 euros per month in 2022. However, the spending intended to cover the costs of TV and radio licence fees and streaming services is also relevant, amounting to €9.62 per month and participation in cultural services, such as cinemas, theatres, concerts, museums and libraries, which corresponds to €6.43. This is followed by the average monthly amounts for the purchase and rental of video games (1.62 euros per month on average) and the purchase of cameras and video cameras (0.25 euros) and musical instruments, CDs and DVDs (0.49 euros per month).  

The next issue is dedicated to those employed in culture. 

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