TheAvviso di selezione per l’attivazione di tirocini formativi e di orientamento per 130 giovani fino a ventinove anni di età, che saranno impiegati per la realizzazione di specifici projects relating to the support of activities for the protection, use and enhancement of cultural heritage at the central and peripheral offices of the Ministry and at cultural institutes and places.
The Ministry of Culture - Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes intends to promote high-level training activity in the sector of protection, use and enhancement of cultural heritage, which has already been successfully launched in previous years, regulating the methods of access to "Youth Fund for Culture" for carrying out training and orientation internships for particularly qualified young people for the year 2021.
Training projects
The selected young people will participate in training projects concerning the protection, use and enhancement of cultural heritage according to the following subdivision:
- 40 posts in the Directorate General for Archives;
- 30 positions in the Directorate General for Libraries and Copyright;
- 10 posts in the Directorate-General for Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape;
- 10 places at the Central Institute for the Digitization of Cultural Heritage (“digital library”), also at the related institutes: Central Institute for Archives, Central Institute for Sound and Audiovisual Heritage, Central Institute for Cataloging and Documentation and Central Institute for the Single Catalog of Italian Libraries;
- 10 posts in the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, also in the related central institutes;
- 30 places in the General Directorate of Museums.
All information relating to requirements, educational qualifications, selection procedure, internship locations are contained in the selection notice.
The internship projects, sent by the host structures, are also described in the attachments to the selection notice.
How to submit your application
The application form must be completed and sent only electronically starting from 10 am on 13 September 2021 and by 2 pm on 13 October 2021 at the link:
For information relating to the selection notice, the email address is also active:
Selection notice and attachments
Call for 130 young people 2021
2 training projects Libraries and copyright
4 Digital library training project
6 Training projects Directorate General for Museums
FAQ 130 young people 2021 (updated 22 September 2021)
Correction of the selection notice for 130 training and orientation internships within the "Fund for culture" project (September 23, 2021)
Admitted to the interview
Admitted oral exam Commission DG Archives (December 29, 2021)
Admitted oral test Commission DG-ERIC (March 8, 2022)
Admitted oral exam Commission DG-Libraries (March 8, 2022)
Decreto DG-ERIC del 7 marzo 2022, n.97 (commisione archivi approvazione graduatorie)