News for funded cultural institutes

Publication date: 5/12/23

Last updated: 15/01/24

Avviso invio documentazione Istituti culturali

DGERIC service II reminds cultural institutes that the eximate finacial reports must be delivered to the DGERIC internet portal:

It's not allow to send them via certified email (PEC).

The summary reports of the activities carried out (in 2023) and planned (relating to 2024) must also be inserted in the portal. The Circular no. 5 (20.2.2023, article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) in fact provides that the budget estimate, the summary report of the activities carried out and the program of the future activities must be send to our administration portal within thirty days from the date of approval. Furthermore, we remind that the cultural institutes must be send the finacial report to the Administration portal with the approval of the statutory bodies (administrative and control bodies) each 30 june of every year, with the indication of both incomes and expenditures about the three-year ministerial contribution. Failure to include this financial report in the portal entails a similar sanction by the ministry. Please note that sending via certified email of all the documentation listed will not be taken into consideration.