The Archaelogical Park of Pompei has published a public call to establish an educational activities plan in Pompei and Oplontis.
The aim of the Park is to develop a special public-private partnership and create a large educational plan, inspired by universal values as inclusion, innovation, accessibility, interculturality and creativity, linked to different targets of public.
The educational plan will allow to the archaeological sites to increase them, to be more inclusive and to incourage the public to interact with cultural heritage, as well as the involvement of local communities, thus increasing awareness of the cultural heritage of the territory.
The Park also intends to create a space dedicated to the educational activities for children and young people, called "children's museum", and establish an infopoint there.
It is possible to apply the call until the 5th of July 2023.
For more information check the online page of the call.
Avviso PSPP attività educative PAP
Determina PSPP attività educative PAP
Allegato 1 – Planimetrie
Allegato 2 – Regolamento per la concessione temporanea degli spazi
Allegato 3 – Modello di manifestazione d’interesse
Allegato 4 – Modello di dichiarazione ex artt. 46 e 47 del D.P.R. 445/2000