The Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, with the School of Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation and the Directorate General for Cultural Heritage Security, has provided for the reopening of registrations, only for on-demand use, of the Information day on the role of the Directorate General for the Security of Cultural Heritage which took place on 15 September 2021.
Target audience
Registration is reserved for:
- Executives of Ministry of culture.
- Officials, administrative assistants, technical assistants of the Ministry of Culture expressly involved for specific assignment or task in activities directly related to the subjects of the course.
Entries must be received from 16 to 30 September 2021 exclusively on the Course Portal accessible at the following link:
New subscribers, authorized on the Portal in the terms established by the circular, will be admitted to on-demand use from 15 October to 31 December 2021. Attendance at the information day (about 2 hours) entitles you to 2 continuing education credits (CFC).
Further information and technical details for use are contained on the page dedicated to the course and in the DG-ERIC circular n.25/2021 and its annexes:
Circular DG-ERIC n.25/2021 Reopening enrollments DG SECURITY course on demand