Notice relating to the selection for 130 training and orientation internships

Publication date: 8/03/22

Last updated: 28/03/23

Immagine con testo. Fondo giovani per la cultura - avviso di selezione per tirocini formativi

Selective procedure for the activation of training and orientation internships for 130 young people up to twenty-nine years of age, who will be employed for the realization of specific projects, in the context of supporting activities for the protection, use and enhancement of cultural heritage.

In relation to selective procedure for the activation of training and orientation internships for 130 young people up to 29 years of age are published:

  • on DG-ERIC directorial decree of 7 March 2022, n.97 which approves the ranking, drawn up by the Commission set up at the DG Archives, dei candidates admitted to the internships activated at the offices of the Directorate General for Archives and the State Archives;
  • the DG-ERIC note prot.2117 of 7 March 2022 containing "List admitted to the oral test interview schedule Commission set up at DG-ERIC"; the list only concerns the selection for 10 traineeships to be activated at the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes and related Institutes.

Useful Documents

Decreto DG-ERIC del 7 marzo 2022, n.97  (commisione archivi approvazione graduatorie)

Admitted oral test Commission DG-ERIC