Call at the Opificio delle pietre dure for academic year 2024/2025

Publication date: 22/04/24

Last updated: 22/04/24

Avviso bando OPD 2024-2025

We report the publication of the competition announcement at the School of Higher Education and Study of theOpificio delle pietre dure – OPD  for cultural heritage restorers anno accademico 2024/2025.

The announcement of public competition, for exams, is aimed at the admission of five students al 36° Five-year course of the School of Higher Education and Study, in the following professionalizing training path:

  • PFP 2 – Artifacts painted on wood and textile supports; artifacts carved in wood; furnishings and wood structures; Manufactured in synthetic materials processed, assembled and/or painted.

Applying deadline: 26 May, 2024

Applications, drawn up according to the form attached to the call, must be sent to the following email address:



Applying form

For more information, visit the dedicated OPD website.