have been published Indications concerning the presentation of applications for admission to the state contributions envisaged by art. 1 of the law of 17 October 1996, n. 534, containing "New rules for the disbursement of state contributions to cultural institutions - evaluation criteria and procedure".
Cultural institutions in possession of the requisites indicated in article 3 are eligible to submit an application, for the purpose of evaluating for admission to contributions by inserting them in the three-year table, referred to in article 1 of the law of 17 October 1996, n.534. of the same law.
The application must be submitted exclusively using the specific platform of the Ministry of Culture, Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes - Service II, accessible at the address https://istitutidgeric.beniculturali.it.
Applications for inclusion of cultural institutes in the three-year Table will be admissible from 1st to 30th April of the last year of validity of the Table in force, therefore from 1st to 30th April 2023 Cultural institutes will be able to complete the application to access the 2024/2026 three-year contribution exclusively through the platform. If the aforesaid deadlines fall on a holiday, these are deferred to the first working day immediately following. Access to the platform takes place exclusively with SPID or CIE.