Il Ministero della Cultura istituisce e sostiene con contributi finanziari the Comitati Nazionali per le celebrazioni e le manifestazioni culturali, grazie alla Legge 1 dicembre 1997 n. 420.
National Committees have the task of promoting and executing events that commemorate the great protagonists and happenings of Italian history and culture.
Responsibilities related to the National Committees for cultural celebrations and events are assigned to the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutions by the Prime Minister’s Decree of 2 December 2019, n. 169, in effect since 5 February 2020.
The logo to be used for Committee activities receiving grants with the specification that “Activities were made possible by a grant awarded by the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes of the Ministry of Culture” is the following:
Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes logo (the new logo will be available in formats that will be communicated)
Circolare DGERIC n. 71 del 20 dicembre 2024
Circolare DGERIC n. 5 del 10 febbraio 2023
Circolare DGERIC n. 5 del 28 febbraio 2022
Useful Documents
Opinion VII Senate Standing Committee (14 December 2021)
Opinion VII Commission of the Chamber of Deputies (9 December 2021)
Opinion VII Commission of the Chamber of Deputies (18 February 2021)
Opinion VII Senate Standing Committee (10 February 2021)
tel. 06.48291339