Competition of ideas "Seekers of hidden poetry" 2021/2022

Publication date: 22/03/22

Last updated: 21/12/22

Logo Tina Festa

We report the Competition of ideas “Seekers of hidden poetry. Exploring the text with the Caviardage Method®” for the 2021-2022 school year.

The Competition, in its second edition, is aimed from this year at pupils of all levels, in Italy and abroad; an opportunity to bring out creativity and poetic research in schools, making children and young people protagonists through the Method Caviardage®.

The Method, conceived by the teacher Tina Festa, is:

  • highly inclusive;
  • stimulates the divergent thinking;
  • favors one careful reading and at the same time "instinctive” of the text, which aims to investigate their own emotions.

For how to participate, consult the regulation published on the website Center for books and reading to the page:

Deadline for submitting papers 11 April 2022.

The competition is promoted by the Ministry of Culture, Center for books and reading, by the Ministry of Education (MI) - Directorate General for Students, Integration and Participation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of International Cooperation (MAECI) - Directorate General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy, as part of the targeted initiatives to the circulation and knowledge of literature among children and young people.