“Young European Heritage Makers” competition starting in September

Publication date: 13/07/23

Last updated: 21/08/23

The competition Young European Heritage Makers Competition, will start on 23 settembre 2023 , the competition on cultural heritage aimed at children and young people of school age from countries adhering to European Heritage Days (GEP), promoted by the Council of Europe and coordinated in Italy by the General Directorate of Museums and by the General Directorate Education, research and cultural institutes of Ministry of Culture.

The goal is to bring the youngest sections of the population closer to the Italian cultural heritage: children and young people are asked to tell their story with an image (photo, painting, portrait, short video of maximum 5 minutes, PowerPoint presentation) and with a short text (maximum 800 words, in Italian or English) a material/immaterial/digital testimony of the cultural heritage of one's own territory, explaining what its meaning is for the reference community.

Two age groups can participate, organized into groups:

  • children born between 2012 and 2017 (6-11 years old)
  • young people born between 2006 and 2011 (11-17 years old)

Each group should be followed, in the creation of its own project, by an adult mentor (a professional who works in contact with young people - teachers, librarians, museum teams) who will coordinate the activities without intervening in the process of exploration of the heritage by the children /Boys.

A commission of the MiC will proceed with the approval and publication of the projects deemed suitable, with their evaluation and, finally, will decree an Italian finalist for each age group by March 2024.

I due progetti selezionati in Italia accederanno alla selezione in ambito europeo, che si terrà in aprile: nel mese di maggio 2024 saranno resi noti i progetti vincitori tra i Paesi partecipanti e i vincitori della fascia 11-17 anni viaggeranno a Strasburgo per visitare la sede del Consiglio d’Europa.

For how to participate, consult the page of the General Directorate of Museums.

For info on the initiative, write to dg-mu.servizio2@cultura.gov.it, specifying in the object “Information on the European Young Competition”.