Contributions to cultural institutions: indication for sending applications

Publication date: 20/04/23

Last updated: 20/04/23

Avviso contributi istituti culturali triennio 2024-2026
Following what is recommended in the introductory to the FAQs published relating to the call referred to Article 1 L. 534/96:
it is recommended to fill out the application as soon as possible, in order to allow a distributed flow over the time frame of the opening of the call and avoid any possible problem close to the deadline
Please note that up to now only 16 applications have been sent.
Therefore, it is clear that the aforementioned recommendation has been disregarded, generating the potential criticality of anomalous data flows in conjunction with the closing date of the call, scheduled at 11.59 pm on May 2, 2023
We invite you again to submit your requests as soon as possible, in order to avoid any kind of problem.