The DG-ERIC decree relating to the contribution for musical education referred to in article 105-ter of the decree-law 19 May 2020, n. 34, converted, with amendments, by law 17 July 2020, n. 77.
Attached to the decree are two lists identifying respectively the applications admitted and excluded from the economic benefit.
The specific reason justifying the non-acceptance is also indicated in the identification list of applications excluded from the grant.
If the application presented is among those to which the contribution has been recognized and there is a need to change the IBAN in order to credit the economic benefit, the beneficiaries are invited to send a specific application to the following email address: educazionemusicale@beniculturali.it specifying the tax code of the submitter of the application no later than October 22, 2021.
DG-ERIC Decree of 19 October 2021, n.310