2011-2021: 10 years of restoration teaching reform

Publication date: 28/09/21

Last updated: 21/12/22

Immagine di attività di restauro presso ICPAL

Friday 1st October will take place in Rome, in the Sala Dante of thethe Central Institute for Graphicsthe conference"2011-2021: ten years of restoration teaching reform”. The event, from 10.30 to 18, is scheduled in mixed mode: in presence, until the available places are reached in compliance with the Covid regulations, and in live streaming to allow the widest participation.

The purpose of the conference is to take stock of the many open questions in the teaching of the restoration of cultural heritage, recording the positive aspects ten years after its reform and those that will require adjustments. The result will be a picture that is as exhaustive as possible of the teaching of restoration, in its lights and also in its shadows, in view of future measures which allow further steps forward in a subject which must receive particular attention from politics and culture. Indeed, restoration represents a sector of extraordinary importance, due to its concentration of technology, science, ability to interpret the phenomena of degradation and evolution of civilizations and material cultures and beyond. The figure of the restorer appears increasingly central in a moment in which the need to save the planet we inhabit becomes imperative, so much so that the skilled craftsman of the past must now become fully an interpreter and programmer of the future.

The initiative is promoted by Commission technique for the preliminary activities aimed at the accreditation of educational institutions and for the supervision of the teaching of restoration and organized by Ministry of Culture, Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes and from Ministry of University and Research, Directorate-General for higher education regulations and the right to study in collaboration with the Central Institute for Graphics (ICG) and the School of Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation.


Technical commission sheet

DG fact sheet Higher education and the right to study regulations

factsheet DG Education, Research and Cultural Institutes

How to participate

In presence

Rome, Central Institute for Graphics, Sala Dante, via Poli 54
Entry with reservation required subject to availability (the Green Pass is required) at the e-mail address:


On platform fad.fondazionescuolapatrimonio.it upon registration starting October 20, 2021.