Registrations are open for the conference “Cesare Brandi and the frontiers of restoration. Theory and practice” which will take place on 29 and 30 November and 1 December 2023 at the Auditorium of the National Central Library of Rome. The duration of the conference was extended to dedicate the last day to the illustration of some recent restoration interventions carried out by Central Institute for Restoration and from the Opificio delle Pietre Dure and the visit to the Restoration Laboratories of the ICR.
The conference
Organized by the Central Institute for Restoration belonging to the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, the conference launches a reflection on Cesare Brandi's "Theory of Restoration", a text developed also thanks to the processing of the results as part of the multidisciplinary practice conducted in the first decades of the Institute's activity.
The conference intends to verify the declinations of Brand's methodological grid also through case studies relating to the different areas of cultural heritage conservation, as long as they are able to offer ideas for comparison and verification on the vitality of this theoretical approach, as well as on the need for any updating of some implementation documents.
The themes
- The subject: scientific innovation and green materials
- The relationship between structure and appearance: archaeology, architecture, contemporary art
- Potential unity in the image society: how visual tolerance to gaps has changed
- Time regarding the object and the intervention: from the relationship with historical restorations to that with living artists
- The intervention according to the historical and aesthetic instances: for whom the cultural heritage is preserved, i.e. the relationship with the public and communities
- Space and preventive restoration: planned conservation in the ecological transition
- The reception of Brandi's theory abroad: theoretical aspects and operations
Registration and reservations for guided tours
Registrationfor the conference is free and takes place via the portal Eventbrite.
Only after registering for the conference will it be possible for participants to book guided tours via a link that will be sent via email.
More information on the ICR website.
The conference will be broadcast live streaming on the YouTube channel ICR MiC .
Useful Documents
Program of visits to the ICR laboratories and the former church of Santa Marta