Signs, symbols and archetypes
During the cycle of 'Art Conversations' entitled Signs, symbols and archetypes we will discover together forms and meanings of artistic expressions distant in time and space, united by the value of common archetypes.
First episode: The labyrinth in the ancient world (21 July 2016 – 3.30-6.00 pm)
Conversazioni d'arte press release 21 July 2016
The first episode will be dedicated to the topic of labyrinth, told starting from the rock engravings of Val Camonica in Lombardy and then through the manifestations of Greek, Roman and Etruscan culture.
In addition to focus reserved for the presentation of accessible cultural routes, space will be created for a new section 'Contact stories' in which the narration will be the tool for a different relationship with the work of art, filtered by the experience and experience of the narrator. The contributions will come from the students who participated in the projects 'Give me art to be part of it' and previously 'Art in the dark', but it will also welcome the stories of listeners who want to share their emotions 'in contact' with the cultural heritage.
Second episode: The real and imaginary forest between ancient and medieval times, between narration and science (22 September 2016 – 3-5.30 pm)
Communicated art conversations press September 22, 2016
In the classical world, the wood represents a sacred space, directly linked to the divinities, 'inhabited' by fauns, satyrs and centaurs; place par excellence of the nymphs and at the same time an allegory of the living cosmos. In medieval texts it often assumes dark and fearful values, but the historical reconstruction gives us back a different reality, made up of spaces profoundly lived in and modified by man. The broadcast will then also give voice to the stories of science; interpretations and different models of the forest through suggestive and fascinating tales, which flank the narrations of the myth without losing their cognitive value.
For the heading 'Stories in contact', the fresco by Sebastiano Galeotti 'Wedding of Cupid and Psyche' will be proposed in an unusual way, inside the historic home of the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola in Genoa, interpreted through an inclusive artistic reading, resulting from the work experience of the project 'Donate me art to be part of it', coordinated by the University Library of Genoa. The focus, reserved for the presentation of accessible cultural itineraries and activities, will finally offer the opportunity to get to know the protagonists, history, aims and future projects of the group of blind artists 'Mano Sapiens'.
Third installment: The fire that regenerates and transforms(15 December 2016 – 3.00-5.30 pm)
Conversazioni d'arte press release 15 December 2016
The force of fire, which destroys, transforms, protects and regenerates; simbole par excellence of civilization, as an element capable of shaping matter, of transforming food, of helping man in the creation of tools through which he can also express his artistic flair; force capable of changing, within complex rituals, bodies after death, thus accompanying them in the transition from the corporeal to the immaterial dimension. We will also talk about fire at the center of rituals and festivals of popular tradition, of its "primary intention" to protect fields, men and animals from evil forces, a primary intention flanked, then, by a variety of ritual functions, religious and agonistic, which still materialize today in the many "fire festivals" handed down to us from generation to generation. The representation of fire in art and its symbolic value, between good and evil, life and death, will be told through the analysis and reading of some works by Jacopo Tintoretto, Last Supper (1594), Domenico Beccafumi, Fall of the rebel angels (c. 1530), Piero di Cosimo, The myth of Prometheus (1515-1520) and Pieter Van den Bosch, Home interior (c. 1650).
For the heading 'Contact stories', we will listen to the interpretation of the' fresco 'Lisbon besieged by the Duke of Alba's army by Lazzaro Tavarone (Genoa 1556-1641), inside the historic residence of the National Gallery of Palazzo Spinola in Genoa. Inclusive artistic reading resulting from the work experience of the project Give me the art to be part of it.
'Art Conversations'
cultural footprints
Thursday 13 July 2017 will start the new cycle of 'Art Conversations' entitled 'Cultural Footprints' dedicated to the analysis of the material and immaterial 'traces' left by human beings in the places they inhabited and lived in, physical and cultural 'footprints' that have stratified over the course of history and of which we find evidence in the territory, in museums as well as in the our contemporary.
With first date, aired on Slashradio web from 15.00 to 17.30, we will go On the trail of the Neanderthal man.
The evolution of man, his relationship with the environment and the study of the 'traces' left by the neanderthalensis species will launch this first episode. In particular, we will talk about the 'man of Altamura', whose appearance has been effectively rendered by paleo-artists thanks to the data that emerged during recent scientific investigations.
Starting from an anthropological definition of the concept of culture, we will therefore try to better understand how this concept can be associated, on the basis of archaeological evidence, with a human species different from ours.
Furthermore, the actions for the protection, use and enhancement of the landscape in Molise and the initiatives of the museum complex for better accessibility of the cultural heritage in the museums of the region will be presented, with an in-depth study of the prehistoric remains of Isernia La Pineta and the collections of the Museum national Paleolithic of Isernia.
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Listeners will be able to choose different methods of intervention and participation: by telephone by contacting the numbers: 06-69988353, 06-6791758 during the live broadcast, by sending e-mails, even in the days preceding the broadcast, to the address: or by filling out the appropriate form Slashradio.
The radio program is edited by Directorate General for Education and Research, Research Office - Center for educational services of the museum and the territory (Sed) in collaboration with theItalian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired - Onlus.
The content of the broadcasts can be listened to on the Sed website at and on the website of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired at