The event of the Italian-French bilateral cooperation in Heritage Science will take place on February 7th that will be focused on Diving into Digital Data for Heritage Science: Diagnostics, Underwater Heritage, and Sound.
The initiative is the 7th edition of the events series promoted by the Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, the French Embassy in Italy, the Institut Français Italia, the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the Italian Ministry of Culture, the French Ministry of Culture, and the Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine.
The event will bring together experts from different fields to discuss the current context of cultural heritage in the green and digital transition and il will be hosted by colleagues of the Models and Simulations for Architecture and Heritage Laboratory of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (MAP CNRS) and the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Conservation et de Restauration du Patrimoine (GIP CICRP Belle de Mai) in Marseille.
Online form to partecipate to the event is available until February, 1st. tramite modulo online.
To consult the contents of previous editions of the seminars, consult the online page.