First course: "Secure heritages - Flooding in the Library"

The Directorate General for Cultural Heritage Security and the School of Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation, in collaboration with the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes, are sponsoring a multimedia edutainment course on managing emergency actions in cultural heritage structures, using simulations and practical examples.
The objectives of the initiative are:
- strengthening the culture of safety
- promoting prevention policies for cultural heritage
- fostering the development of specific abilities and skills, necessary for emergency teams
The teaching of the course is based on a methodology of learning by doing, demonstrating the innovativeness of the approach taken.
The initiative, as a whole, involves three different courses on the topic of cultural heritage safety, the first of which concerns emergency actions in libraries in case of flooding.
The first multimedia course “Flooding at the Library” is organised into 4 chapters:
- Emergency Plan
- A worrisome water infiltration
- Library evacuation
- Wet manuscripts
Subsequent courses will focus on emergency management in case of fire inside a museum or archive.
Target audience
The course is intended for MiC staff working in Libraries, with special focus on the emergency teams that intervene in these contexts.
Enrolment and use
Per personal MiC le iscrizioni dovranno pervenire dal 15 dicembre 2022 all’11 gennaio 2023 on the Portal of Courses at the link:
Le giornate formative saranno fruibili in modalità on demand sulla FAD platform della Fondazione dal 23 gennaio al 30 giugno 2023.
La frequenza al corso dà diritto a 2 crediti di formazione continua (CFC).
Avviso per utenti esterni (16 febbraio 2023)
Per utenti esterni iscrizioni dal 20 febbraio al 10 marzo 2023 e fruizione on demand dal 20 marzo al 30 giugno 2023
External users are advised that, in order to check whether their enrollment on the Course Portal was successful, can click inside the portal on "Requests sent electronically" and check if it says CONCLUDED in the processing status of the file.
We also inform you that the students themselves will receive, a few days before the start of the courses, an e-mail from the Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle Commercio Culturali, containing useful instructions for accessing the courses.
For more information
DGERIC Circular n. 54/2022
Instructions for attendance
FAD Platform Handbook