“Introduction to Euro-Planning” Workshop. Milan Edition

The Grant Office for European funding from the Ministry of Culture organizes, in collaboration with the School Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Activities and with the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, the workshop "Introduction to Euro-planning".

The initiative is part of a wide-ranging project linked to periodic training for those involved in European planning for 2021-2027. Between October and November 2021 and between May and June 2022, two sessions of the workshop have already been organised, aimed at institutions in the centre and south of Italy, with the involvement of 51 officers. The workshop aims to inform interested parties about existing opportunities, to support the administration staff directly involved in these activities.

Furthermore, the course provides participants with the possibility of acquiring tools to support the drafting and management of European projects and the creation and organisation of working groups and European partnerships. The workshop involves a lab where different working groups will experiment, with the help of an expert, with coming up with proposals for European calls.

The workshop is reserved for MiC staff of the regional institutes of Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria; Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto Adige, Valle d'Aosta, Tuscany, and Marche and will be held in person, at Palazzo Litta in Corso Magenta 24, Milan, in two different sessions:

  • the first, from 10 to 12 October 2022
  • the second, from 7 to 9 November 2022

Attendance of the entire workshop (about 20 hours) entitles participants to 20 continuing education credits (CFCs).

For participants who reside in locations more than 10 km from the border of the City of Milan, the Foundation will cover travel expenses and, where necessary, room and board, in accordance with the terms and limits set forth in its Travel Regulations.

Target audience

First of all, non-managerial MiC staff, second and third area, of the indicated Regions, engaged in European project management or the preparation of proposals for European calls, for which the Grant Office provides technical assistance, with a knowledge of English (level B).

15 spots are available for each of the two sessions on the calendar, for a total of 30 participants.


Enrolment for the workshop is open from 18 August to 12 September 2022 exclusively on the Course Portal: https://portalecorsi.beniculturali.it/.

Applications should be accompanied by a Director’s statement indicating that the institution is already engaged in European projects/proposals. In this case, 2 people from each Institute can be authorised; for other Institutes, only 1 person can be authorised.

Authorisation procedures done by Directors on the Course Portal must be completed no later than 19 September 2022.

For more information

DG-ERIC Circular dated 11/08/2022


Travel request form

Publication of workshop participants