“Oltre il giardino. Maturare competenze” executive course for the care of historic parks and gardens

Maturare competenze 2025_Oltre il giardino

Course description

Oltre il giardino. Maturare competenze” is an executive about the care and management of historic parks and gardens. After last year's successful participation, the Ministry of Culture and the National School of Heritage and Cultural Activities are launching the second edition of the course with a new public call. The aim of the initiative is to encourage the achievement of specialist knowledge and skills for experts who work and/or intend to work in the field of historic parks and gardens.

The training course is part of the free program of education and professional updating for the care and management of historic parks and gardens of the Ministry of Culture, promoted by the Ex VIII Service of the General Secretariat - Department for General Administration in collaboration with the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes - Department for Cultural Activities, curated and realized by the National School of Heritage and Cultural Activities. The program is supported by APGI Associazione Parchi e Giardini d'Italia and is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU as part of the PNRR Culture 4.0.

The program

The course will be inaugurated on Wednesday 9 April 2025 in Rome with a public lecture at Villa Farnesina in the presence of Hérvé Brunon, garden and landscape historian and research director at the CNRS (Centre André-Chastel, Paris) who will hold a lectio magistralis on The garden as a dialogue between art and nature.

The training program of the executive course will take place from April to July 2025 for a total of 70 hours between online sessions on the FAD Platform of the National School of Heritage and Cultural Activities and in-site meetings, with laboratory activities, at the Botanical Garden of Palermo and at the Paternò del Toscano Park in Sant'Agata li Battiati (Catania), both partners of this edition.

Target audience

The executive course is for experts who work for historical parks and gardens with different roles and functions, in a public or private enterprise, and who have a master's degree specified in the call for applications.

Come candidarsi

The applications are open until h.13:00 on 14 February 2025 at the link  https://candidature.fondazionescuolapatrimonio.it/oltre-il-giardino-maturare-competenze

A commission will evaluate the applications received and select up to a maximum of 100 participants. In this regard, it should be noted that many places are reserved to the public administration staff, as established in the call.

For MiC staff admitted to participate in the course, please remember to also register on the Training course portal within the time indicated on the home page, as in DGERIC circular no. 1/2025.

For more information send an e-mail to parchiegiardini@fondazionescuolapatrimonio.it until h.13:00 on 11 February 2025.



DGERIC Circular No. 1/2025