Third multimedia course "Safe heritage – Fire in the archive"

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Course description

The Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage Security and the School of Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation, in collaboration with the Directorate General for Education, Research and Institutes promote a multimedia path of edutainment focused on the management of emergency interventions within cultural heritage structures, through simulations and practical examples.

The objectives of the initiative are:

  • strengthening the culture of safety
  • promoting prevention policies for cultural heritage
  • fostering the development of specific abilities and skills, necessary for emergency teams

The teaching method of the course is based on the learning methodology learning by doing, confirming the innovativeness of the approach adopted.

The third and final multimedia course on cultural heritage safety focuses on emergency interventions in the archive in case of fire.

Target audience

The course is aimed at MiC staff which carries out its activities within archives, with particular reference to the Emergency Teams that intervene in such contexts.
The course is also open to external users, professionals in the sector and in particular to employees of public and private archives interested in security issues.

Enrolment and use

Entries must be received  from May 2 to 26, 2023  on the Portal of Courses at the link:
The training days will be available in modality on demand on the FAD platform of the Foundation  from June 15 to October 10, 2023.

External users communication 

External users are advised that, in order to check whether their enrollment on the Course Portal was successful, can click inside the portal on "Requests sent electronically" and check if it says CONCLUDED in the processing status of the file. 

We also inform you that the students themselves will receive, a few days before the start of the courses, an e-mail from the Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle Commercio Culturali, containing useful instructions for accessing the courses.

Avviso del 19 giugno 2023

Si comunica che, per problemi tecnici sulla Piattaforma FAD della Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali, la fruizione del corso multimediale “Patrimoni sicuri – Incendio in archivio” non è ancora attiva. Sarà cura di questa Direzione generale comunicare tempestivamente aggiornamenti sull’effettiva partenza del corso. 

Avviso del 22 giugno 2023

Si comunica che il corso “Patrimonio sicuri – Incendio in archivio” è ora fruibile, per tutti gli iscritti e autorizzati sul Portale dei corsi nei tempi indicati dalla circolare dedicata DGERIC n. 17/2023, sulla Piattaforma FAD della Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali.

For more information

DGERIC Circular . 17/2023

Instructions for on-demand use

FAD Platform Handbook