Dan Tuesday: National day dedicated to Dante Alighieri 25 March 2022

Publication date: 23/03/22

Last updated: 21/12/22


On March 25th and the National day dedicated to Dante Alighieri, established in 2020 by the Council of Ministers on the proposal of Minister Dario Franceschini.

The day refers to the date on which the poet began his journey in the afterlife of the Divine Comedy. From 2020 to today it has become a real anniversary to which schools, students and cultural institutions adhere; with events, meetings, cultural initiatives, in presence and online, dedicated to the genius of Dante.

On programme of the day, constantly updated, can be consulted on the page: https://cultura.gov.it/evento/dantedi2022.

Furthermore, the program of events sponsored by National Committee for the celebration of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri also for the year 2022 the link is available: https://dantesettecento.beniculturali.it/.
