PhD in "Historical sciences and cultural heritage"

Publication date: 21/07/23

Last updated: 21/08/23

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The General Directorate of Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes has stipulated a convention with the'University of Tuscia for the reserve of n. 2 places, without grant, dedicated to employees of the Ministry of Culture for course attendance Ph.D in Scienze storiche e dei beni culturali, XXXIX cycle, on the theme Sustainability for cultural heritage.

Possono accedere alla selezione i dipendenti a tempo indeterminato del MiC, che alla data di scadenza del bando abbiano conseguito in alternativa:

  • specialist degree (Ministerial Decree n. 509/1999)
  • master's degree (Ministerial Decree 270/2004)
  • university degree (old system) or similar academic qualification, also obtained abroad, and declared equivalent or recognized as suitable for access to PhD programmes.

Permanent employees of the MiC, who do not meet the aforementioned requirement on the expiry date of the tender, must obtain the qualification required for participation by October 31, 2023, under penalty of forfeiture of admission.

Applications can be submitted to call for application by 2.00 pm on 10 August 2023 exclusively on the online platform of the University of Tuscia.

For more information, consult the DGERIC Circular n. 32/2023


Please note the extension of the submission for applications on 28 August 2023 by 2.00 pm.