Digital Cultures: Education on cultural and digital heritage

Publication date: 7/10/22

Last updated: 21/12/22

immagine copertina della rivista Culture Digitali n.6

“Cultural and digital heritage education: from potential to contextual factor” is the title of the contribution by Elisabetta Borgia, Marina Di Berardo, Susanna Occorsio - Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, Service I - Research Office, Center for Educational Services - published in the magazine "Digital Cultures” n.6, year 2, July-September 2022.

The article starts from today's scenario – at the European level – on cultural and digital heritage, highlighting some key steps related to EU digital strategies and policies; he then dwells on the action of the Ministry of Culture and, specifically, of the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes.

The authors underline, in particular, how today's assumptions on the themes of cultural participation, social welfare, accessibility project theheritage education "towards forms of circular education connected to digital innovation, sustainable development and community and territorial networks". And how the need for it to find itself, or at least be called, emerges ever more clearly "to play a founding role among the 'voices' with which the museum/library/place of culture represents itself and to fully participate in the overall operational strategy of the same places of culture 'with', 'through' 'in' the digital.”

Furthermore, the article highlights how digital "works in favor ofaccessibility and extends the effectiveness of heritage education. In the same way, the web, also through social channels, represents a powerful vector for sharing our cultural heritage, for telling and making cultural heritage accessible in all its dimensions, for defining spaces for meeting and responding to multiple needs, action essential, today, in a cultural context that wants to define itself as socially sustainable.”

Digital Culture magazine

Digital Cultures is an open access journal edited by the DiCultHer International Association; born as an editorial tool for scientific dissemination to represent the role that digital plays in the challenges underlying the educational dimension and cultural heritage in different theoretical and applied contexts.

This 'special' is dedicated to deepening the themes that will characterize the relationship between the New European Bauhaus (NEB), the initiative presented by the European Commission (15 October 2020) with the intention of enriching the Green Deal of a cultural and creative dimension and DiCultHer, recently its official partner.

The full article is available at the link: