Equivalence of the second level academic diploma in restoration (DASLQ01)

Publication date: 18/07/24

Last updated: 14/08/24

Avviso equiparazione diploma in Restauro

In the Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 143 del 20-06-2024, has been published the dPR 24 aprile 2024, n. 82 , that added the articolo 10-ter:

Art. 10-ter (Diplomi in restauro)  

1. The diplomas awarded by fine arts academies to subjects in possession of a secondary school diploma at the end of the four-year courses in restoration authorized on an experimental basis under the provisions prior to Law No. 508 of 21 December 1999 are equivalent to the second level academic diploma in Restoration (DASLQ01) referred to in Article 2 of the Interministerial Decree No. 302 of 30 December 2010.

2. The diplomas awarded by the fine arts academies to subjects in possession of the first level diploma in restoration DAPL 07 at the end of the experimental second level academic diploma courses in restoration prior to accreditation pursuant to the decree of the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities, in agreement with the Minister of Education, University and Research, 26 May 2009, no. 87, are equivalent to the qualifying second level academic diploma in Restoration (DASLQ01) referred to in Article 2 of the decree of the Minister of University and Research, 30 December 2010, no. 302, referred to in the press release published in the Official Journal no. 29 of 5 February 2011.

According to the new law introduced, consequently, those who are in possession of the qualifications referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the aforementioned art. 10 ter, can obtain the equivalence of their qualification to the second level academic diploma in Restoration (DASLQ01) issued by the Academies of Fine Arts, qualifying for the profession of restorer of cultural heritage which, therefore, allows registration in the appropriate lists.

As is known, in order to proceed with the relevant investigation aimed at inclusion in the list of restorers, interested parties must forward a specific request to the address dg-eric@cultura.gov.it accompanied by the following documents: