“Officina educazione e futuri” - Rome, 7th edition

Officina educazione e futuri

Description of the event

The General Directorate Education, research and cultural institutes takes part in Officina educazione e futuri, the annual event dedicated to education, set up by Irpps – Cnr (Institute for research on population and social policy of the National Research Council), in collaboration with Indire (National Institute of Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research) and Mim (Ministry of education and merit).

The event is scheduled on may 17th starting at 2.30 pm in the Sala Marconi of the CNR headquarters in Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Rome.

This year the main topic of the initiative is "Educational complexity, knowledge and post-normal science": the role of the education in a constantly changing society and "post-normal science".

The educational dynamics will be explored through three strategic topics:

  • Inclusion and expulsion, on which DGERIC will also attend
  • Art and science's stereotypes
  • Sustainability: skills and values

Participation in presence is free until the availability of seats. Otherwise, it will be possible to follow the event on streaming. The link to the streaming will be sent few days before the event.

Click here to sign up.