Presentation of Minicifre della cultura 2023 at the University of Bologna

Description of the event

Wednesday 19 April 2024, 3.00 pm at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, a meeting dedicated to the presentation of Minicifre della cultura - 2023 Edition will be held, with students and teachers. The initiative falls within the scope of the teaching activity of the Dipartimento delle arti and is divided into a general introduction of the project, alternating with the analysis of data relating to the latest edition.

Minicifre della cultura

Minicifre della culturais a project promoted by the Ministero della Cultura and implemented by the Direzione generale Educazione, ricerca e istituti culturaliof the MIC with the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali.

A collection of the main statistical data on culture in Italy. A tool for reading demand, supply and cultural policies, useful for the scientific community, political decision makers, professionals and sector operators, citizens.

The project takes up the publication of the same name edited between 2009 and 2014 by the Ufficio Studi of the Segretariato Generale del Ministero and is carried out with the contribution of the General Directorates and Institutes of the Ministry of Culture but also of experts, public and private sector bodies, research bodies and newspapers.

The 2023 edition, in addition to the editing of the volume, in paper and digital versions, also saw the inauguration of a online platform that allows users to navigate and query graphs and maps, filtering the results by year and by geographical area.

For the Direzione generale Educazione, ricerca e istituti culturali del Ministero della Cultura, the director of Servizio I – Ufficio Studi Alessandra Franzone and the official Silvia Rossi will be present. with an introductory speech and an in-depth analysis dedicated to "The Ministry's statistical review: history, objectives and method".

Useful information and materials


For more information, check the online page.