FAQs about the DG-ERIC Circular of 23 November 2022, n.50

Last updated: 25/01/23


No, it is not necessary for the proposing entity for the grant application for annual state grants to have legal status, based on article 8, law 534/1996. Attaching documentation of this is, therefore, optional.

As per Article 1 of Circular 50/2022, applications may be submitted by associations or private law entities that:
– have been performing their activities for at least three years
– provide relevant services in the cultural field;
– promote or carry out research, cultural organisation and publishing activities of a scholarly nature;
– carry out activities based on at least a three-year plan and have suitable equipment for the implementation of this plan."
– have been performing their activities for at least three years
– provide relevant services in the cultural field;
– promote or carry out research, cultural organisation and publishing activities of a scholarly nature;
– carry out activities based on at least a three-year plan and have suitable equipment for the implementation of this plan.

Universities and university library systems may not apply under Article 8 Law 534/1996, as they are public entities outside of those covered in Circular n. 50/2022.

Yes, the application must be signed with a digital signature.

The application must be submitted using the specific platform, available at https://istitutidgeric.beniculturali.it by following the instructions. No other submission method will be considered.

From 2023 on, it will be necessary to have a SPID or CIE. For applications already submitted, however, access will be granted with the registration method used.

Registration for the portal must be completed exclusively with SPID or CIE.

Grant applications must be submitted between 1 and 31 January each year. If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline is postponed to the first business day after that.

Yes, documentaries and docufilms can be included among cultural dissemination activities linked to scientific outreach.

Yes, it is necessary to report on the activities performed within the timeline stipulated in article 6, paragraph 1, of the Circular n. 50 dated 23 November 2022.

The deadline for reporting is set at no later than 180 days after the grant is received.

According to the provisions of Article 6 of Circular n. 50/2022, beneficiaries of the annual grant must submit a detailed report of expenses incurred in carrying out the cultural activities detailed in the application for allocation to the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes. Expenses for the operation of the institution are excluded. Reporting must be done within 180 days of receiving the grant. Any delay in submitting the report represents a negative assessment for potential allocation of the grant for the following year.

Pursuant to article 6 of the circular n. 50/2022, the ministerial grant must be reported within 180 days of receipt, using the electronic platform accessible at https://www.istitutidgeric.beniculturali.it/it/auth/login/ by opening the section “Economic Statement” and filling out the appropriate reporting chart.

Yes, an application for Article 8 annual grants can be submitted while having already applied under Article 1. What is important is that the allocation of the two grants is not contemporaneous. As soon as the applicant has obtained the grant for the Three-Year Table, he/she will be automatically disqualified by the Administration from the allocation of annual grants. Alternatively, in order to avoid this exclusion, the applicant may independently submit a waiver for one of the two grants he/she could have received.

The criteria for grant allocation are regulated by Article 4, Circular n. 50/2022 paragraphs 1-2 and Article 8, law 534/1996.

Yes, as stipulated by Article 2 paragraph 2 of Circular 50/2022, the Articles of association and by-laws must be attached to the application, under penalty of rejection. Changes are always possible, over time, which the Administration must be informed of.

For 2023, reference is made to the schedule of activities planned for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025

For 2023, reference is made to the schedule of activities carried out in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Planning in this case means an explanation of the activities that will be performed in the following three-year period, divided by year.

In the financial statement, the applicant must include the official data from the latest approved final budget. This budget may not coincide with the budget for the fiscal year preceding that of the grant application. So, for example, for the grant application to be submitted in the year 2023, the final budget of 2022 must be included, if it is approved; if this has not been approved, however, as an alternative, the final budget for the year 2021 can be included.

The convention must be reported in reference to the year of its stipulation and, where applicable, renewal.

No, there are no limits on applications. The only condition is the Administration's budget availability.

Applicants, as provided for in Articles 2 and 4 of Circular n. 50 dated 23 November 2022, must describe in detail the activities that will be performed in the following three-year period, as required by the forms found on the dedicated platform.

The application must be digitally signed by the legal representative alone.

The statement of the legal representative's ownership of the office can be found on the platform and endorsed using the appropriate "flag".

Yes, you can always modify the "profile" section until the application submission is finalised, using the appropriate procedure.

Yes, you can print a draft of the application, by clicking on the "Print" button in the section "My Applications 2023" on the homepage. Note that this version features a “draft” watermark.

The grant application for exhibits, concerts, and shows can be included in the category "Cultural Outreach Activities".

A remotely searchable work is defined as a written text or film, a musical work or even periodicals, with modern technologies allowing both live streaming open access enjoyment and use by downloading the digital format (ebook) available for a limited time (e.g., 14 days) or through downloadable and freely usable Open resources.

The law n. 124/2017, as amended by Article 34 of D.L. 34/19 and converted with law n. 58/19, provides for the mandatory online publication of information on any public funding received by the applicant.

Last updated: 30 November 2022