Training and tools for European planning. 2023 edition

Publication date: 5/07/23

Last updated: 10/07/23

Formazione e strumenti per la progettazione europea. Edizione 2023

Those enrolled in the training course "Training and tools for European planning are reminded. 2023 Edition" that on 7 July from 11 to 12.30 the webinar "Complementarity and synergies between European funds" will take place organized by the Grant Office of the General Secretariat and by School Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Activities, in collaboration with the Directorate General for Education, Research and Institutes cultural.

The principles that support the complementarity and synergy between Structural Funds and other European funding programs will be discussed and the National Culture Plan 21-27 and the possible connections with territorial cultural policies will be illustrated

The following will be present as experts: dr. Mattia Ceracchi, Head of the Brussels Unit of APRE-Agency for the Promotion of European Research and dr. Luigi Scaroina, manager of the General Secretariat Service of the Ministry of Culture for the implementation of the PNNR and the coordination of strategic programming.

For more information on the training course “Training and tools for European planning. 2023 Edition” visit the dedicated page.