International Day of Education - 24 January 2024

Publication date: 24/01/24

Last updated: 24/01/24

Giornata internazionale dell'Educazione 2024

The General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the MIC promotes the International Day of Education, proclaimed by the ONU on 24 January to celebrate the role of education for peace and development. Together with the network of A.R.C.E. Alleanza Reti per lo sviluppo delle Comunità Educanti, the Genral Directorate take part to the day by contributing to the creation of a video that will be disseminated on social channels.

"Educating for peace means educating for confrontation, complexity, otherness and spreading its culture. Only by acknowledging the same inalienable rights of the human being to the other, in his or her differences, will it be possible to develop a true education for peace and not circumscribe or enclose it within boundaries that would make it elusive, utopian and distant from our lives.

Educating for peace means promoting, supporting, disseminating, enhancing and reinforcing good practices and the potential, sometimes hidden, of every single person, of families, schools, young people, associations and every institutional place.

If we are aware of this, everyone will be able to make their daily actions, their initiatives and their own life path, an instrument and an act of commitment of PEACE EDUCATION, thus succeeding, by weaving a collective network and with a humanitarian spirit, to reap the seeds of this primary common good for every small or large community, present and future, of our world.

Sharing these beliefs, in 2024 we are committed to making our actions and initiatives tools and moments of PEACE EDUCATION."

(text from the press release of the ARCE network)