The 2021-2027 programming cycle in the context of development and cohesion policies: module 6-A

Publication date: 12/07/24

Last updated: 18/07/24

ll ciclo di programmazione 2021-2027 nell’ambito delle politiche di sviluppo e coesione

As part of the National Program (PN) Culture 2021-2027, the Administrative Regeneration Plan (PRigA) was adopted which defines a set of actions aimed at the strengthening of administrative and institutional capacityin the relevant sectors of intervention, including staff training.

In this context, the Managing Authority of the PN FESR Cultura 2021-2027 of the Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, has defined a training plan for the two-year period 2024-2025 titled The 2021-2027 programming cycle in the context of development and cohesion policies: elements for process management and control.

The plan is made up of 13 modules, divided into 23 teaching units, for a total of 160 hours of training.

The training course is aimed at managers and staff of the Officials Area and Assistant Area, at the Ales S.p.A. staff and at the collaborators of the Ministry of Culture.

Il modulo 6-A Gli elementi costitutivi delle procedure di selezione nell’ambito dei fondi SIE,
i requisiti ambientali, gli aiuti di stato e gli strumenti finanziari

A partire dal 26 luglio 2024 sarà possibile iscriversi al Modulo 6-A, composto delle seguenti Unità didattiche:

  • UD 10 I criteri di redazione degli avvisi e selezione delle operazioni
  • UD 11 Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) e Climate proofing

All details on course contents, recipients, registration methods and use are available on online page.