The MiC at the Ferrara International Restoration Exhibition 8 – 10 June 2022

Publication date: 7/06/22

Last updated: 21/12/22

Immagine MiC per il salone del restauro di Ferrara 2022

The MiC adheres to XXVII edition of Ferrara International Restoration Exhibition which will take place from8 to 10 June 2022. The MiC, present at the fair with three dedicated stands, will propose a structured program of workshops and conferences for the initiative.

The General Directorate of Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes participate in the event with the contribution:

Archeo-Cuba: restoration and environmental sustainability - Friday 10 June 2022 in pavilion 3 inside Sala A MiC, from 11:30 to 12:30.


The Archeo-Cuba project, lasting 36 months and funded by the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development, is in line with the 2030 Agenda and intends to offer an all-encompassing and inclusive approach to the question of sustainable urban development in Cuba, starting from the recognition of heritage understood in its broadest sense of material and immaterial, in the search for shared environmental protection strategies that identify and protect the historical stratification and the balance of cultural and natural values in urban environments. 

The partners involved in the project are: Municipality of San Felice Circeo (lead institution), Department of Environmental Biology – Sapienza University; Directorate-General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the Ministry of Culture; Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities; Oficina del Conservador de la Ciudad de Matanzas (OCCM); Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de la Habana (OHcH).​ The General Management deals with training activities aimed at Cuban project partner officials (Oficinas), in the field of study and knowledge, prevention and protection, environmental and landscape sustainability, application of new technologies, in the natural and archaeological sites identified in Havana and Matanzas.

On the occasion of the days, at the stands of the MiC, the DG-ERIC 2021 report; a summary of the main activities carried out in 2021 by the Directorate-General.

Furthermore, the Management participates in the meeting Historic Building® Protocol and PNNR funds to guide the process of valorising the Italian historical heritage – sala America, Wednesday 8 June, pavilion 5, 11.00-13.30, edited by GBC – Green Building Council Italy and Assorestauro (Program).

The contribution of the central institutes (ICR, OPD, ICPAL)

Furthermore, it should be noted that the Institutes belonging to the General Management took part in the event with the following activities:

  • Central Institute for Restoration (ICR) (ICR): conference on archaeological restoration and various technical meetings – programme
  • Opificio delle Pietre Dure (OPD) (OPD): meetings and contributions – consult the general programme
  • Central Institute for Archives and Book Pathology (ICPAL) (ICP extension): meetings and workshops – programme

The International Exhibition of Restoration

The International Restoration Exhibition is one of the main events in the restoration sector on the international trade fair scene. For these reasons, the event represents a precious opportunity for visitors and professionals to meet and exchange on the most current issues related to cultural heritage and its conservation and use.

The main themes of the 2022 edition will be: Economy, Conservation, Technologies and Enhancement of Cultural and Environmental Heritage. Within the event, in addition to the exhibition of the exhibition stands, are scheduled conferences, events, exhibitions, meetings with Italian and foreign operators. 

The International Restoration Exhibition is organized by Ferrara Fairs Congresses with the support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ICE agency and in collaboration with Assorestoration (Italian association for architectural, artistic and urban restoration).

More information and how to participate


MiC page: 

Complete MiC program