Cultural Institutes are an area of special significance, given their role as centres of study, research, exploration, and cultural promotion.
The Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes, through Service II “Cultural Institutes”:
- exercises supervision over Cultural Institutes, pursuant to art. 4 law 17 October 1996 n. 534 on “New regulations for the disbursement of state grants to cultural institutions” as well as pursuant to article on “Provisions concerning the establishment of and participation in foundations by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, pursuant to Article 10 of legislative decree 20 October 1998, n. 368, and subsequent amendments” (list of supervised entities);
- pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 10 D.P.R. 10 February 2000 n. 361 and article 1, D.M. May 2002, published in Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 118 dated 22 May 2002, on “Identification of cases in which the recognition of legal persons operating in matters under the authorisation of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities is subject to prior opinion, pursuant to art. 1 paragraph 10 del D.P.R. 10 February 2000, n. 361;
• formulates a prior opinionwhere the request for legal personhood comes from associations, foundations, and other private, non-profit institutions that perform activities in the areas of authority of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities or that, in any case, are holders in any capacity of archives, libraries, or collections of works of cultural interest, to be expressed within 60 days of the request to the Prefect; - exercises, pursuant to art.2, D.M. 27 March 2015, on “Recognition of the entities supervised by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism and identification of the structures of the Ministry responsible for the exercise of relevant supervisory functions”;
• control over many public or private entities under public control as well as over the private Institutes with public legal persons as founding entities (list of entities controlled and table of institutes awarded grants under D.M. 27 March 2015). - disburses state grants to Cultural Institutes, of specific relevance for the Directorate General, governed by law n. 534 dated 17 October 1996 “New regulations for the disbursement of state grants to cultural institutions”. Specifically:
- in article 1, there are ways to request the ordinary annual grant from the State through inclusion in the appropriate three-year table;
- in article 8, there are ways to access annual grants not included in the three-year table
- disburses further grants to Cultural Institutes provided by specific regulatory provisions.
With art. 15, DPCM 2 December 2019 n. 169, entered into force on 5 February 2020, the responsibilities related to Cultural Institutes, originally assigned to the Directorate General of Libraries, were transferred to the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes; Service II “Cultural Institutes” operates within this Directorate General.
Useful Documents and Links
Transparent administration – entities controlled (this page publishes all data related to the entities controlled by the Directorate)
DM 30 December 2021, on "Recognition of institutions supervised by the Ministry of Culture and identification of the structures of the Ministry responsible for the exercise of relevant supervisory functions”
D.M. 27 March 2015, on "Recognition of the entities supervised by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism and identification of the structures of the Ministry responsible for the exercise of relevant supervisory functions”
D.M. 7 May 2002, published in Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 118 dated 22 May 2002, on "Identification of cases in which the recognition of legal persons operating in matters under the authorisation of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities is subject to prior opinion, pursuant to art. 1 paragraph 10 del D.P.R. 10 February 2000, n. 361”
art. 13, D.M. 27 November 2001, n. 491, on "Provisions concerning the establishment of and participation in foundations by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, pursuant to Article 10 of legislative decree 20 October 1998, n. 368, and subsequent amendments”
art. 1, paragraph 10 D.P.R. 10 February 2000 n. 361
Table A (Legislative decree dated 29 October 1999 n. 419, art. 2, paragraph 1)
Law n. 534 dated 17 October 1996 “New regulations for the Disbursement of State Grants to Cultural Institutions”
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