Article1 of the Law dated 17 October 1996, n. 534states that institutions, if they meet the list of requirements below, may be eligible, upon application, to the State’s annual ordinary grant, through inclusion in a specific three-year table..
Ai sensi dell’art. 6 comma n. 1 lett. a)circolare n. 5 del 20 febbraio 2023, i beneficiari del contributo triennale ex articolo 1 L.534/96 hanno l’obbligo di trasmettere al Ministero della Cultura – Direzione Generale Educazione, Ricerca e Istituti culturali – Servizio II, esclusivamente attraverso la telematic platform, il bilancio consuntivo entro il 30 giugno di ogni anno ed, ai sensi della lettera b), con le stesse modalità, entro 30 giorni dall’approvazione, il bilancio preventivo, la relazione riepilogativa dell’attività culturale svolta ed il programma culturale.
- be established by state law and perform tasks established by this law, or possess legal status;
- be non-profit;
- promote and consistently carry out research and cultural development activities that are documented and usable;
- have relevant bibliographic, archival, museum, cinematographic, musical, or audio-visual resources, consistently usable by the public;
- carry out and provide services of established and relevant cultural value;
- develop cataloguing and computer applications to form databases and image databases to provide meaningful tools for the programming activities of the Ministries working in cultural heritage and scientific research;
- organize conferences, exhibits, and other events on activities performed, with scientific and cultural value;
- carry out activities based on a three-year programme;
- perform editorial activities, or otherwise promote publications;
- document activities performed in the three years prior to the grant application as well as submit annual final accounts;
- present the programme of activities for the next three-year period;
- have adequate facilities and suitable equipment to carry out its activities;
- for initial inclusion, cultural institutions must be established and have been performing their activities continuously for at least five years. At least three years of this activity must be documented when presenting the application for inclusion.
Procedures for submitting applications are outlined in the Circular n. 5 dated 20 February 2023
Instructions for cultural institutes receiving grants
The logo that should be used for the activities of cultural institutes receiving grants, with the specification that “Activities have been made possible by a grant provided by the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes of the Ministry of Culture”, is as follows: Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes Logo (the new logo will be made available in ways that will be communicated)
The Commission is set up at the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes with the purpose and task of carrying out fulfilments linked to the issuance of the Table.
Three-Year Tables
- Table of Cultural Institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2024-2026 (decreto interministeriale 2 maggio 2024)
- Table of Cultural Institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2021-2023 (ddg 136 del 19 aprile 2023 – tabella 2023)
- Table of Cultural Institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2021-2023 (ddg 8 April 2022 – table 2022)
- Additional grants to cultural institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2021-2023 (ministerial decree 15 December 2021)
- Table of Cultural Institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2021-2023 (inter-ministerial decree 15 July 2021)
- Table of Cultural Institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2018-2020 (inter-ministerial decree 23 March 2018)
- Table of Cultural Institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2015-2017 (inter-ministerial decree 30 October 2015)
- Table of Cultural Institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2012-2014 (inter-ministerial decree 31 August 2012)
- Table of Cultural Institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2009-2011 (inter-ministerial decree 17 November 2009)
- Table of Cultural Institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2006-2008 (inter-ministerial decree 12 May 2006)
- Table of Cultural Institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2003-2005 (inter-ministerial decree 18 August 2003)
- Table of Cultural Institutions eligible for the State’s annual ordinary grant for 2000-2002 (inter-ministerial decree 31 July 2000)
Useful Documents for the 2021-2023 Table
- D.D.G. n. 47 dated 16 July 2020: establishment, at the Directorate General for Education, Research, and Cultural Institutes, of the Evaluation Commission;
- DM 30 December 2020: allocation to ch. 2571 of an amount of € 22,874,433 of each year of the three-year period 2021-2023
- Cultural institutions eligible for the State's annual ordinary grant for 2021-2023 (Senate Dossier 16 April 2021)
- Opinion of the Senate for 2021-2023 (4 May 2021)
- Opinion of the Chamber for 2021-2023 (13 May 2021)
Useful Documents for the 2018-2020 Table
- Favourable opinion of the Senate for 2018-2020 (30 January 2018)
- Favourable opinion of the Chamber 2018-2020 (7 February 2018)
Law dated 17 October 1996, n. 534
Circular n. 5 dated 20 February 2023
Circular n. 101 dated 28 febbraio 2017
Fabrizio PAGLINO, funzionario responsabile
tel. 06.48291329
Claudia TREBISONDA – Ales
tel. 06.48291332