Grants to Cultural Institutes under special laws

Last updated: 28/03/23

To determine additional grants for cultural institutions, reference should be made to law 27 December 2019, n. 160 “State Budget for the financial year 2020 and multi-year budget for 2020-2022”.

  • Grants for music education

Article 1, paragraph 383of law 27 December 2019, n. 160, authorised an increase in spending for grants to schools of national excellence operating in the area of higher music education, of significant cultural interest, in order to guarantee the continuation of their activities (updated table).

  • Grants for the Einaudi Foundation and the Rome Institute for International Affairs

Article 1, paragraph 395, and paragraph 396 of law 27 December 2019, n. 160, in order to foster the diffusion of historical-scientific culture and promote the conservation and appreciation of bibliographic and archival heritage, recognised special grants to support the digitalization of archival collections.

  • Additional grants to specific cultural institutions

In reference to law 27 December 2019, n. 160, twelve cultural institutions included in the table attached to law 28 December 2001, n. 448 (list of institutes) were allocated grants.

  • Grant to the Historical Archive-Museum of Fiume

Article 1 paragraph 750, law 30 December 2018 n. 145establishes that, for the Museum of Istrian-Fiuman-Dalmatian Civilisation and the Historical Archive-Museum of Fiume, referred to in law 30 March 2004, n. 92, an additional grant of 100,000 euro is conceded for each of the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.