The first edition of webinar, dedicated to the Directive of the Minister for Public Administration named Planning of training and development of functional skills for the digital, ecological and administrative transition, is out. The project is promoted by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (23 march 2023) and webinar are created by Formez PA as part of the Linea Amica Digitale project.
On this occasion, Syllabus will be presented. Syllabus is the new portal of training for the public administration, launched by the Function Department. Syllabus will support the professional growth of public employees through targeted and differentiated training courses, activating innovation processes of the administrations, in line with the objectives of the PNRR.
Webinar topics
The first edition is composed by 3 webinar focused on:
- new tools for training public administration employees;
- the directive of the Minister for the Public Administration;
- Syllabus: new portal of training;
- development of skills on training planning and use of the training offer made by the Department of Public Administration.
Target audience
The course is for HR Managers, Training Managers and RTDs of all central, regional and local public administration, and staff who work to support mentioned structures and, generally, all public employees.
Enrolment and use
Registration is open until 11 April 2023 on EventiPA. The first three webinar will be available: 13–17–19 April 2023, h. 12.00 – 13.30.
More information: http://eventipa.formez.it/node/416692