National training offer 2022-2023. Starting data collection.

Publication date: 16/08/22

Last updated: 21/12/22

Servizi Educativi_Logo 22 23

On Center for Educational Services (Sed), pertaining to Service I of the Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes starts the X edition of the national training offer. In collaboration with the national network of MiC educational services, the sectoral activities planned by central and peripheral institutions will be collected, free of charge, for the 2022-2023 school year.

The national training offer includes:

  • educational and training activities/projects aimed at all audiences, families and students of the school and university system
  • courses on general and specific aspects addressed to the teaching staff of the school
  • proposals and events related to the knowledge and protection of territories

The initiative, in line with the National Plan for Cultural Heritage Education 2021, aims to recognize cultural heritage as a reference area for the development of objectives of civil responsibility, social cohesion and participation; this through "mediation practices that favor direct involvement and the dialectical construction of a contemporary reading of the cultural heritage".

Compilation and transmission

The acquisition of the project proposals of the Educational Services will be carried out only by completing the worksheet Excel, 2022-2023 edition, downloadable online from the Sed website ( or from the data exchange folder named 'Training offer', available on the MiC intranet (IP address: \\

Data Collection Deadline: 16 September 2022.

All the operating instructions to be followed are contained in theTechnical annex of the DGERIC circular n.31/2022.

TheNational training offer 2022-2023 will be made available through the database that can be consulted on the site The database will allow geographical, thematic and typological research. In addition, it will also be promoted on the channels of the Ministry of Culture and the Directorate and through the support of the Ministry of Education.


Circular DG-ERIC n.31 – National training offer 2021-2022

Technical annex