“Oltre il giardino. Maturare competenze”: the call for the second edition of the course for the care of historic parks and gardens opens

Publication date: 17/01/25

Last updated: 11/02/25

The training course“Oltre il giardino. Maturare competenze” about the care and management of historic parks and gardens is back. After last year's successful participation, the Ministry of Culture and the National School of Heritage and Cultural Activities are launching the second edition of the executive course with a new public call. The aim of the initiative is to encourage the achievement of specialist knowledge and skills for 100 experts who work and/or intend to work in the field of historic parks and gardens.

On call for application sarà aperto fino al 28 febbraio 2025 ore 13.00 (termini prorogati).

The training program of the executive course will take place from April to July 2025 for a total of 70 hours between online sessions and in-site meetings, with laboratory activities, at the Botanical Garden of Palermo and at thePaternò del Toscano Park in Sant'Agata li Battiati (Catania), both partners of this edition. Two important Italian historical parks, where the knowledge acquired during online activities will also be substantiated through laboratory practices.

The course will be inaugurated on Wednesday 9 April 2025 in Rome with a public lecture at Villa Farnesina in the presence of Hérvé Brunon, garden and landscape historian and research director at the CNRS (Centre André-Chastel, Paris) who will hold a lectio magistralis on The garden as a dialogue between art and nature.

"Oltre il giardino": the program

Il corso è parte dell’offerta del programma gratuito di formazione continua e aggiornamento professionale Oltre il Giardino. Un’iniziativa del Ministry of Culture promossa dal Servizio VIII dell’ex Segretariato generale Dipartimento per l’amministrazione generale in collaboration with the Servizio I della Direzione generale Educazione, ricerca e istituti culturaliDipartimento per le attività culturali, curata e realizzata dalla Scuola nazionale del patrimonio e delle attività culturali. Il programma ha il supporto di APGI Associazione Parchi e Giardini d’Italia ed è finanziato dall’Unione europeaNextGenerationEU nell’ambito del PNRR Cultura 4.0.

The training offer of Oltre il giardino also includes the course Seminare conoscenze, which is available online on the FAD Platform of the National School of Heritage and Cultural Activities. Designed to bring the public closer and raise awareness of the themes of the historic garden, to disseminate basic theoretical knowledge and introduce the contents and tools for the enhancement and communication of cultural heritage, the course Beyond the garden. Oltre il giardino. Seminare conoscenzeis open to a wider audience. Fruition is free and available until June 9, 2025.

Also for this edition, participants will obtain an Open badge, the digital certification standard of knowledge and skills acquired used at European level.


Check the call for application.

Call for applications: https://candidature.fondazionescuolapatrimonio.it/oltre-il-giardino-maturare-competenze/

For more information check the web page dedicated to the course.